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Review of Jiangsu Products Exhibition

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Since 2009, Jiangsu products wanlihang activity has been held for 15 times. The provincial government has organized the exhibition and sales fair of Jiangsu famous and high-quality products, aiming to help enterprises display, publicize and sell products, and further expand the domestic market footprint. It has visited key cities such as Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Changsha and Wuhan.

Xuemei products, which have won the gold award of famous and excellent products for many times, have been designated by the provincial government to participate in the Wanlixing activity. Every employee of the company is greatly encouraged. They put the slogan "quality is the life of an enterprise" into the actual work details and participate in the Wanlixing activity with excellent product quality. The semi enclosed compressors, ice cream machines and large refrigeration units will be crowded at each station, especially the provincial and municipal leaders who come to our booth to publicize the products of our company. After the meeting, our company timely made detailed reports and pictures on the website, which greatly improved the company's image.

At the same time, at each stop, our company organizes local dealers to visit the company's booth, pay a return visit to the main dealers, timely understand their situation and requirements, as well as market dynamics, further deepen the friendly cooperation relationship with dealers, which is highly praised by dealers, and the company's sales increase every year.

2014 is a key year for the adjustment of industrial economic structure. Our company will take advantage of the advantages of equipment transformation and upgrading after the relocation of the enterprise, and make the enterprise bigger and stronger. We will display it in front of the vast number of merchants with a new image, and let the famous and high-quality products travel in spring.

Review of Jiangsu Products ExhibitionReview of Jiangsu Products Exhibition

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